
Conceptual Design

We work with our Clients to develop overall design strategies in order to capture the feel and aesthetic based on their vision of the landscape or project.

Schematic Design

We work with our Clients to develop the design concept into something that can exist in real space, based on programming, space allocation, and circulation opportunities and constraints/

Construction / Contract Documentation

We create a detailed drawing and specification set to facilitate the bidding, permitting, and construction of our Client’s project.

Construction Administration

Oversight of the Contractor / Builder during construction to ensure the project is delivered in conformance with the design as intended and specified.

Irrigation Design and Auditing

We provide services to ensure our Client’s compliance with the state’s Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) as well as analysis of existing irrigation system performance and the development strategies to maximize irrigation efficiency and produce cost savings.

Permit Processing

We provide efficient and transparent assistance for navigating jurisdictional approval processes

Garden Design

We create intimate spaces that provide an outlet for unwinding and connecting with the nature surrounding us that often gets overlooked and undervalued, the garden is ……art…form…

Landscape Optimization Consulting

We provide Strategic Planning and Design services to help bring Home Owner Associations and Commercial Properties into compliance with CA Water Code Section 10608.14

Contact us today